Friday, September 9, 2011

Silly Spice

I think it's safe to say that Spice has overcome her initial fear of stuffies.

It seems that our girl is a bit of a thie- ah, collector! In other news, she thinks the kitties are slightly interesting, but not enough to sniff unless they're in range, and not for long. She's greyt with the other Houndies and the lil' old mutt. She's had one accident in the house, her first day, and no more - now she goes to the door and looks nervous until I let her out. :)

Spice is a complete velcro love bug - those almond-shaped eyes will just melt your heart. I promise! Absolutely devastating.

I wish I could get a picture of her cutetest trait - she's a "grinner!" I had never seen it in person before. Here's what it looks like, from Dr. Carol's awesome Greyhound page on the Grassmere Animal Hospital web site:

When she does it, it's so dainty, it doesn't look like a snarl at all - adorable! But she's too quick, or my camera's too slow - must upgrade, darn it! Meanwhile...back to stuffies. Get 'em, Spicy!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Spice is Nice

Spice went to her first Meet'n'Greet last Sunday!

And she's a natural too! Check out that big smile while she worked the crowd with fellow foster Hes and friends (and M&G veterans) Hendrix, Dash, Andy Taylor, and Odie:

Sadly, the humans have too much time on their hands at these things sometimes...and Petco already put their dog costumes out for Halloween this year...uh-huh, you guessed it ... disaster!

Isn't she cuuuuuuute????!!!


Hmmm...okay, maybe that is a little much... okay, sweetie, I'm taking it off now...

BUT - she was a good sport and a huge hit, and no hounds were harmed in the process, and everybody had a good time and got the word out about Houndie adoption! Way to go, Spice! Time to head back home for some cookies and a nap!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Spice Girl

Spice wasn't quite sure what to think about her arrival in Nashville. She seemed a little shy:

Long car rides, crowds, people taking pictures - exciting, but a little scary!

A warm bath/massage put a little bit better spin on that a treat?

Hanging out with us at her new foster home, she relaxed enough to have a little hoofie chew...

She's learning so much, so fast. Some lucky family is going to fall in love with this beautiful brindle girl in no time at all! We already love her around here! :)

But for now?

Silly question! A nap!!!! Sleep tight, sweet Spice! :)